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Mysteries of Martha's Vineyard

  • 11% off Beyond the Sea - Mysteries of Martha's Vineyard - Book 18-0

    Priscilla is thrilled when her friend Eliza Jamison solicits her help with a special surprise wedding gift for her husband-to-be, Carson Fletcher. Unbeknownst to Carson, Eliza has purchased a perfectly restored classic 1957 Chevy Bel Air—a convertible, no less—and is having it delivered to the island. But when the car arrives and is stored in Gerald’s garage, it vanishes—just thirty-six hours before the wedding ceremony. Priscilla is distraught and feels personally responsible for its disappearance, so she sets out to find the classic car. Can she find and return the vehicle to its rightful owners in time for the nuptials, or will Eliza’s dreams of riding off into the sunset with her new husband be crushed?

    $7.99 - $17.95
  • 11% off Wider Than An Ocean

    When Priscilla sees a small plane go down over the marsh, she immediately calls 911. But the authorities insist no distress calls were made, and no planes were reported missing. When she finally locates the downed craft, she discovers that the pilot has vanished, and all signs indicate he wanted to disappear. What was on that plane that the pilot was so desperate to hide? Priscilla sets out to solve the mystery—and soon finds herself enmeshed in a plot that might prove too dangerous even for her. Meanwhile, when Gerald asks Priscilla to put together an Easter egg hunt at the Coast Guard station, she looks forward to working with him on it. But the reality doesn’t match her expectations as the ever-more-complicated project drives a wedge between them.

    $7.99 - $17.95
  • 11% off Sheeps Passing

    It’s springtime in Martha’s Vineyard, and Priscilla attends the annual Lambapalooza festival going on at Derry Wilson’s farm. When a cryptic message is sheared into Derry’s prize sheep Sally, just as the animal is about to go into auction, Priscilla—aided by Gerald and her cousins—sets out to find out who’s behind the prank. Is it the animal activist who pickets the event each year, the rival farmers with a history of conflict with Derry, or someone else intent on mischief?
    Meanwhile, something is troubling Gerald, and Priscilla finds it almost as much of a mystery as the sabotaged sheep. Can she uncover answers to both puzzling mysteries?

    $7.99 - $17.95
  • 11% off Sail Away Home

    An announcement that the Boston-based public television show American Antiques is coming to Martha’s Vineyard to shoot an episode has the island’s residents digging through drawers and attics in search of hidden treasures. The show’s hosts are famous for revealing the worth of unsung antiques that are brought to the show. Priscilla’s cousin Gail asks Priscilla to help her search a friend’s cottage at the Camp Association for valuable items to be appraised. But when their search turns up a large model ship that looks old, Wanda, the cottage’s owner, is baffled. How did the ship get there, and, perhaps more importantly, who left it there? As Priscilla sets out to investigate this seemingly innocuous collectible, she finds herself drawn into a bizarre web of intrigue that stretches from Boston to the cozy environs of Martha’s Vineyard and back.

    $7.99 - $17.95
  • 11% off Waves of Doubt

    Prickly Virginia Lawrence, a preeminent scholar of Vineyard history, is also a notorious recluse. Therefore, the island is abuzz when Priscilla manages to book a library lecture with the local eccentric. However, on the evening of the event, Virginia is a no-show and nowhere to be found, and the valuable museum artifacts in her possession are now missing as well. As Priscilla delves into the mystery of Virginia’s ill-timed disappearance, a seemingly unrelated puzzle emerges. Could a rash of random cemetery plunderings somehow be connected to the missing historian?

    As pressure builds to find Virginia and the missing priceless artifacts, she begins to doubt her own instincts—especially when she spies Gerald having mysterious dinner meetings with a lovely blonde-haired woman.

    $7.99 - $17.95
  • 11% off Lifeline - Mysteries of Martha's Vineyard - Book 23-0

    Excitement abounds on Martha’s Vineyard in the final count-down to the wedding of Priscilla’s daughter, Rachel, and her husband-to-be, A.J. In addition to taking care of last-minute wedding details—complicated by interference from Merilee, A.J.’s sister—Priscilla becomes involved in a local wild-food chef apprentice challenge. Gerald’s troubled young cousin is competing for a big cash price and a plum job. But someone is undermining the candidates, eliminating them through mistakes and accidents. When evidence points to Kevin as the culprit—followed by his abrupt disappearance—Priscilla worries his second chance at a new life has failed. Or could he be the victim of a serious crime?

    Worse yet, when A.J. also vanishes, Priscilla and Gerald must go undercover to search for him too. Can they find A.J. in time for the wedding, or will Rachel be left at the altar?

    $7.99 - $17.95
  • 11% off Flotsam & Jetsam - MMV Book 24

    Priscilla and Gerald’s preparations for their upcoming nuptials are interrupted when Gerald’s heirloom eighteenth century ship’s figurehead is stolen from the East Shore Historical Museum. While the police try to track down the culprit, elderly Alzheimer’s patient Tom Campbell claims he knows how it was done, but he doesn’t remember who did it or when. It soon appears, however, that the thief would rather get rid of the old man than have him remember too much. Can Priscilla find the figurehead and the thief before Tom is silenced forever?

    Meanwhile, when Gerald’s grandson surprises him with a puppy, Gerald wants to keep little Matey at Priscilla’s house until Gerald and Priscilla’s wedding. But with everything else going on in Priscilla’s life, this latest added burden makes her wonder—is she really ready to give up her independence and get married again?

    $7.99 - $17.95
  • 11% off Just Over the Horizon - MMV Book 25

    Wedding bells are ringing for Priscilla and Gerald. But when someone repeatedly sabotages a popular pirate-themed tourist ship and island attraction, Captain Jack’s High Seas Adventures, of course, Priscilla, Gerald, and the cousins jump in to help. Can they figure what’s going on before the saboteur drives the island’s much-loved Hale family out of business?

    Unfortunately, the time they must devote to sleuthing threat­ens to sabotage Priscilla’s efforts to put the final touches on her wedding plans. And when a falling steeple thwarts their hopes for a lovely church wedding, can Priscilla and Gerald find a perfect last-minute change in venue for their big day?

    $7.99 - $17.95

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