Doomscrolling: What It Is and How to Stop
These five simple tips can help you spend less time on your phone, sleep better and feel more hopeful about the world.
These five simple tips can help you spend less time on your phone, sleep better and feel more hopeful about the world.
Try going for a walk or saying a quick, meaningful prayer to improve your spiritual well-being.
Going it alone is never a good idea in overwhelming circumstances.
A poem that models the complex yet powerful process of letting go of challenging feelings.
Adding a spiritual twist to a technique that helps ease stress and anxiety.
New research shows a reduction in stress hormones after just 30 minutes in a museum.
The author and veterinarian offers advice for helping your furry friend avoid fear and anxiety.
Contributing Editor Rick Hamlin shares Scripture to help you ease your fears with faith.
It’s stressful to be a human. This golden retriever offers some alternatives.
After struggling with addiction and homelessness, Janie Deegan splurged on a hand mixer. Now her signature pie crust cookies are selling out in New York City.
How to empty your brain and fill up your heart before turning out the light
Guideposts blogger Bob Hostetler shares a brief prayer that helps in time of stress when you may feel you’re losing control.