My Top Ten Devotional Books, Part 3
Continuing our series, here are two more of my top ten devotional favorites.
Continuing our series, here are two more of my top ten devotional favorites.
It’s been a while since I’ve written in this space, but I’d like to get back to the subject of devotional reading, and present the next two entries in my top ten list.
Sometimes a discovery I make in my general reading will find itself moved to my devotional shelf and become part of my formal devotions.
Here at Guideposts, when we talk about a devotional, we usually mean a short, first-person story, with a Bible verse and a prayer, designed to be read in about five minutes.
The Guideposts editor-in-chief shares his role in the Daily Guideposts devotional writing.
Do you know the interesting history and origin of this joyful expression?
Donating blood on Good Friday was a reminder of what Jesus suffered and sacrificed.