Canine Inspiration
Out of the blue, inspiration struck this week in the form of a great pet slideshow we all can learn from.
Out of the blue, inspiration struck this week in the form of a great pet slideshow we all can learn from.
A special present answers a mother’s prayer as her kids experience a renewed sense of wonder at Christmas.
Like Millie, I can overreact to situations, become defensive and unreasonable and apprehensive. I shout occasionally when I should speak softly, snap at people I should be kind to.
By now most of us along the East Coast are battening down the hatches in anticipation of Hurricane Irene’s arrival. But as we’ve learned in recent disasters, sometimes our pets and animals get left out of the preparations.
I was feeling impatient and overwhelmed with deadlines. Then I saw a picture of an angel that put a smile on my face.
She gave me a big warm hug like we were old friends. “Thanks so much,” she said. “You’re an angel!”
A golden retriever acts as a guardian angel when she saves her owner’s life.
Dogs lives in the now, in the moment. How can I help Millie understand that I won’t be gone forever?
Beloved pets bring joy to our lives. All the more reason to throw them a party.
Angels on Earth readers love stories about angelic dogs. Now we want you to share your own.
In Australia, a family became unwitting neighborhood dog rescuers. In Cyprus, a dog saved her owner’s life from an unseen danger.
Facing an upcoming book tour and some cautionary words from the vet, Edward and Millie find the motivation to focus on diet and fitness.