Unconditional Love and Playing Dominoes
How limitless love for your teen can have a profound effect on the lives of others.
Stories of faith reveal the rewards God sends to those who believe–and who live their lives by the spiritual values they cherish.
How limitless love for your teen can have a profound effect on the lives of others.
Share God's love! Make this special gift featuring powerful spiritual messages.
Can you find something sacred when standing over a sink full of dirty dishes?
In the midst of gut-wrenching worry, the Lord longs for me to be still, calm and free.
A strategy for avoiding sins of both kinds–commission and omission
One of the most meaningful ways that God reveals Himself to us is through His names.
In this excerpt from Positive Living Day by Day, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale shares faith-filled steps to revolutionize your life.
If you find yourself consoling a heart-broken teenager, here are a few things to remember.
Don’t end up with a broken life because you ignored God’s loving advice.
Empty rooms deserve life just as a heart is filled with gratitude for Christ's love.
When a teen girl chooses to end her pregnancy, she needs family more than ever.
How one woman led a family from complacent Christianity to fired-up followers of Jesus.