Praise God’s Goodness
In this excerpt from The Prayer That Changes Everything, you'll discover the importance of praising God, even when your heart is discouraged.
Stories of faith reveal the rewards God sends to those who believe–and who live their lives by the spiritual values they cherish.
In this excerpt from The Prayer That Changes Everything, you'll discover the importance of praising God, even when your heart is discouraged.
I was tired, worn out by my job. Then I received an unusual offer.
Jesus made great sacrifices for us. There is much to admire about our planet; there is much to look forward to in heaven.
Use this devotion excerpted from Time Out in Tough Times when you're worried about those that mean the most to you.
Rick Hamlin explains how choosing a place to pray each day can enrich your prayer life.
This Armenian group spread the word of God through a flash mob and it was amazing.
Try these techniques excerpted from The Women’s Devotional Bible and reap the benefits of daily prayer.
Words of encouragement for times when you're faced with seemingly impossible circumstances.
In this excerpt from The Best Angel Stories of 2014, a woman describes her near-death experience and meeting her angels.
She wanted to help with her daughter's wedding, but her funds were limited. Or were they?
She thought she was used to spending this romantic day alone. But just this once, she prayed, she wanted to be pampered.
Give your faith life a boost with these prayer techniques and tips.