The Guideposts Writers Workshop Contest
By entering the Guideposts Writers Workshop Contest , you could win a week with us via our first online Guideposts Writers Workshop. We’ll share everything we know about inspirational storytelling, and your story could be read by millions in one of our magazines—Guideposts, Angels on Earth, All Creatures or Mysterious Ways. We’re looking for true first-person stories, not sermons or essays. It can be your own story or something you’ve written for someone else. We’ll pick 12 candidates for the workshop, taught by the editors of Guideposts.
Guideposts editors choose the participants based on their entries in our inspirational writing contest. We hate calling it a contest because it implies losers and winners and almost everyone who enters has something important and brave and honest to say in their story.
But we can’t include everyone in the workshop, so we whittle the thousands of entrants down to a dozen or so (by the way, every new editor hired at Guideposts is required to go through the workshop), then we spend the week working hard on teaching and learning the art of powerful, first-person, inspirational storytelling. Most participants say the experience changed their lives.
Please note: Because the coronavirus outbreak has forced us to work from home and we have not had access to postal mail, only online entries are being accepted this year. If you submitted an entry via postal mail, please resubmit online at the link below by the end of June.
If you’re ready to enter, let’s get started!